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Satyr tracks (Completed)

Started by Griznuq, February 08, 2008, 01:36:56 PM

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Fir'Ath heard Maragarn's warning at the same time he saw movement past a tree far ahead. His instincts from years of playing in the woods back home served him well. He leapt off his great steed as three arrows came out of the thicket and over the horse where he once had been.
Tumbling and coming to a crouched stop, he lowered his wings to the ground as he watched the very gifted warhorse take a sharp turn and head for more cover.

'Oh,' he thought, 'are we there?' he chuckled to himself.

To his surprise the warhorse was turning again and coming back at full gallop to save him. 'Where did you get this beast Blind Man?!' he questioned incredulously. He waited for Mithril to pass, readying himself for a leap onto her back.


Maragarn held his breath as he watched the arrows fly from the thicket. 'If they didn't like me before they'll surely hate me now', he thought.

Maragarn placed his spear on the the ground and showed his palms. He took slow steps forward so as not to alarm. Looking back he said, "I truly have no idea how well you'll all be received. My tribe is very suspicious of outsiders. Let me make sure it's okay that you can come in."

Maragarn called out, "Hello my brethren, it's me, Maragarn. I have returned from the outside."

"I bring back the cure for what ails my Grandsire and others that may be sick like him. May My companions and I enter the camp?" Maragarn figured that they would refuse but he held hope that they would not.

One should never underestimate the stimulation of eccentricity


As Maragarn held out his empty hands in a sign of peace, Fir'Ath lept onto Mithril's back. Not trained for such a maneuver, he over-compensated in his leap and almost came crashing down the other side of her. As luck had it, his right wing caught her chest and held him to her long enough for him to grab hold of the reigns with his hands.

Recovering his dignity, he galloped her away and behind his companions.


At the satyr's call, Eswarth slowed to a cantor, allowing Maragarn to open some small distance between himself and the centaur. I wondered what sort of isolationists these satyr might be.

He watched in amused fascination as Fir'Ath displayed his considerable horsemanship and wondered if that level of apparent skill was common among the raptorans.

In all, Esawarth thought, it was not truly necessary for the entire band of travellers to enter the Satyr encampment. In point of fact, Eswarth did not even know for sure whether Maragarn would be joinging them further north. Surely his small clan would have need of the youngster?
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Maragarn knew the use of the crossbow bolts, and he knew that no one was really in danger. The first bolt is a warning shot, because yelling to a traveller was typically a waste of time, as they seldome could hear over the horse's clopping, and you could also startle the buffalo.

The next bolt landed a full fifty feet in front of them, and it was white, indicating that the group could proceed. Maragarn pulled the unremarkable shaft from the ground, intending to return it to the sentry. No sense wasiting it.

After almost a minute of walking, a voice called down from the boughs of a maple tree. "Sorry Maragarn, didn't mean to frighten your friend!" The voice belonged to a childhood friend of Maragarn's named Red. (His coat was a deep reddish brown).

Knowing Red as he did, Maragarn knew he wasn't sorry for Startling anyone. No, Maragarn was sure that Red enjoyed every moment of it.

Red often spoke of looking forward to the day he was trusted with the job of Sentry. That day had apparenlty come.


"I know that voice..." Maragarn said slyly " it seems that the Watchers of Night finally saw it fit to let you guard our camp, eh? Surely we're doomed..." Maragarn laughed. It seemed that it was the first time he had laughed in weeks.

It was good to hear Red's voice. He was one of the few that actually liked Maragarn and had even defended him from ridicule from their peers. "Red, I've got some companions with me as you can see. They've helped me greatly in my recent trip. Would it be okay for them to come into the camp? Without them I may not have made it back here."

Maragarn looked back to the group and said, "I really don't see much of a problem with you coming in but you never know...some of my kin are decently afraid of outsiders"

One should never underestimate the stimulation of eccentricity


"Things are well here, Maragarn. The herd has stopped moving, and the elders say we'll be here for some time. I stopped in and saw your grandfather, too. He's in good spirits. He'll be happy to see you."

As the group continued to walk, Red thumpped to the ground beisde them. He landed on his feet, but appeared to hit harder than he'd expected. "It always looks so easy when the Watchers do it," he explained with a grimmace.

One by one he faced the members of the unlikely band, smiling and nodding to each. I'm sure it's been a long time since any of us have seen a Centaur," he said to Eswarth with a friendly smile, leaning on his longbow.


Fir'Ath trotted Mithril up to the group, but such that she wouldn't make offense. A few paces away he dismounted, wings still partially extended in the air and stood next to the warhorse, awaiting introduction.


Maragarn was ready to head out to the tribe but hesitated. Looking back at the others he motioned to each as he said, "Oh, Red...this is Eswarth, a Centaur Champion...Fir' Ath a...a...of the feathery folk... Charon of the Great City and Hommal of the Mountain Forges." (Hommal is a dwarf, yes?)

Maragarn picked at the end of his ram horns as he so often did when he was eager. "Red, I wouldn't expect the elders to have any issue with our Centaur friend but what of the others? Will High Sire Scyntharrys be angry you think?"

Maragarn was visibly nervous. High Sire Scyntharrys never cared much for Maragarns family and even openly disrespected them. Maragarn secretly wondered if he would use the presence of outsiders as a means of further antagonizing.


One should never underestimate the stimulation of eccentricity


"I don't know," Red said matter of factly, nocking a new arrow. This one was red. "Youve got another mile or so to go before you find the tribe. I'll alert them of your arrival."

Red drew back the bow and let the arrow fly in the direction the group would travel. The arrow climbed quickly, reaching it's pinnacle, and turning back down. As it began it's descent, it emmitted a whislting noise like the screach of an eagle. (Only a little different to the ears of those who make a knowledge nature check, dc18). :)

"Scyntharry is a tad sick too from what I hear. I doubt he'll bother to make any trouble for you," Red said with a shrug of a shoulder.


Eswarth greeted the young Satyr with a smile.

"You know," he said in his deep baritone voice, "it seems it might be simpler for us to all take a cue from our friend Charon who sits back aways. I wouldn't want to create trouble for anyone; I'll be more than willing to wait here for you to finish your business, Maragarn. Asumming, that is, that you will continue to accompany us on our way?"
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Eswarth's deep voice carried far enough for Charon to hear his comment. He turned away from his task of setting Collinsworth atop an old tree stump and, with an awkward smile, waved to his companions.


"What....wait, what, after coming all this way?" stuttered Fir'Ath, a bit incredulous at Eswarth's suggestion.


"We are not here for ourselves, Fir'Ath." Eswarth admonished. "It would not be a kindness to deliver our new friend into trouble."
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Maragarn thought for a moment...It would be rude to not let them accompany me to the tribe. There is food there and fresh water. Were it not for them I may not even be here right now. No, they should come with me. Regardless of what the elders say it is the right thing to do.
Maragarn turned back to face the group and spoke, "It is only right that you come with me, my friends. The elsers of my tribe continue to carry the burden of shame...not you...and not me. Change will come to them eventually and one day they will have to overcome that. If that day is now then so be it. Besides, the High Sire is also sick, so says Red, he just may have tha same fever as my Grandsire. Knowing that you folks helped me inadvertantly help him may change his view of Outsiders. Please, walk with me."

Maragarn pulled his sickle out and began walking in the direction of the whistling arrow.

One should never underestimate the stimulation of eccentricity